Hello, I'm

Mark R. Brown, AICP

City Planner and Complete Streets Designer

Mark R. Brown is an innovative transportation planner who has consistently pushed the boundaries of traditional transportation policy, striving for solutions that prioritize safety, sustainability, and multimodal access. He has a unique blend of municipal and MPO experience, with a background in project development, long range neighborhood planning, sustainable transportation policy and community engagement.

He has also been instrumental in creating safer streets through the implementation of Vision Zero policies which aim to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries. His innovative approach to road design, traffic calming measures, and data-driven decision-making have helped create numerous multimodal projects in the U.S., many of which have already been constructed.


Master of City and Regional Planning: Clemson University

Bachelor's degree, Business Administration: William Patterson University

Software and Data

Microsoft Office, MS Project, Microstation V8i, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign, ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online, SketchUp, Wordpress blog design and updates, Signal Four traffic crash analysis, MySidewalk data reports, social media outreach

Memberships/Professional Certifications

American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP)

AMPO Technical Committee


Human Speed - A City Planner’s Evolution from a Daily Driver to a Multimodal Traveler


Broward MPO

Senior Planner (2020-present)

Managed a collaborative effort between Broward MPO, FDOT, Broward County and consultants to create a new off-system Road Safety Audit (RSA) program, which includes an innovative annual process to assess crash hot spots on local roadways, develop conceptual countermeasures and fund safety projects throughout Broward County. Program was awarded the LTAP "Better Mousetrap" award in 2023 for Innovative Projects.

Project Manager and primary author of Lauderhill's NW 55th Ave. Multimodal Corridor Plan, a comprehensive in-house study to improve transit facilities, traffic safety and pedestrian/bicycle access on a 1.8 mile mixed use corridor. Roles included drafting 90% of plan content, community engagement, coordination with in-house engineering staff, development of recommendations, 3d graphics and data analysis.

Lead manager for annual Roadway Safety Audits (RSA) process and safety project development. Developed 2 RSAs per year, which included traffic safety recommendations for municipalities throughout Broward County. RSA recommendations are then refined with an interdisciplinary team and public input to design and ultimately construct MPO funded safety projects. A significant portion of the RSAs are developed in-house. Also developed ArcOnline maps as part of this safety program.

Developed 5 to 3 lane road diet/protected bike lane concept for 15th Ave. in Fort Lauderdale using tactical urbanism design strategies. Developed conceptual renderings, led public engagement meetings and developed funding strategies. In 2022, the project was handed off to Broward MPO's Complete Streets team for implementation.

Co-Manager of Oakland Park/Wilton Manors First-Last Mile Neighborhood Plan, a TOD effort to prepare a future commuter rail station for multi-modal access. Developed recommendations and concepts for bike boulevards, road diets, traffic safety measures and sidewalks to improve access to and from the future commuter rail station.

Led preliminary Safe Routes to School coordination efforts with FDOT for a proposed pedestrian safety project at 15th Ave. and 14th St. Developed concepts, researched grant requirements, and developed recommendations to improve project competitiveness given limited grant funding amounts.

City of Coral Gables Public Works Department

Senior Multi-Modal Manager (2018 to 2019)

Led development of Complete Streets projects through conceptual development and design. Projects included road diets, safety improvements, bike lanes, sidewalks and intersection improvements. Presented project updates to communities and staff, coordinated with multiple public agencies and managed teams of consultants.

Lead author for Miami-Dade County's TPO SMART grant award, a $100,000 bike & pedestrian level of stress study for Coral Gables. Also served as manager for development of plan with Kittelson & Associates, which was successfully completed in August 2019.

Managed the deployment of the City’s micromobility fleet with private scooter and bike providers. Assisted development of memorandum of understanding between Coral Gables and private providers, fielded customer service inquiries, determined staging locations, and served as liaison between mobility companies, residents and elected officials. Program was praised by City Commission and peer cities as being well run and responsive to community needs.

Drafted transportation policies, provided technical support and managed consultants for the Coral Gables Comprehensive Multi-Modal Plan. The traffic calming portion of the plan received recognition by Coral Gables City Commission and peer cities for its innovative and holistic approach to traffic safety. Implementation is scheduled for 2021/2022.

Managed design and construction of Coral Gables' first on-street bike corral with Toole Engineering, completed in 2019.

Review of major development projects as part of the Development Review Committee with a focus on sustainable mobility, urban design and traffic safety.

Presented transportation and sustainability concepts to various citizen groups and organizations.

Researched and wrote various technical memos on local roadway design issues using AASHTO, NACTO and MUTCD guidelines, including assisting in creating a successful resolution which removed resident voting requirements for new sidewalks on collector streets.

Dallas City Mobility & Street Services

Senior Planner (2013 to 2018) - Dallas, TX

Project manager for concept level complete streets capital projects. Responsibilities included drafting renderings, leading community outreach, presentations, development of conceptual alternatives, coordination with engineering teams during design, and leading coordination efforts between various Dallas City departments.

Successfully developed a locally preferred concept for the Knox St. road diet, a $1.4 million dollar capital project. Project roles included leading public engagement, management of a multi-disciplinary project team, and development of conceptual alternatives using Adobe Illustrator and Microstation V8i. The concept was approved by Dallas City Planning Commission and Dallas City Council and constructed in 2020.

Successfully developed a locally preferred alternative for the Henderson Ave. Complete Streets project, a $1.5 million dollar redesign of a major commercial and residential corridor which included traffic calming and pedestrian safety components. Project roles included leading public engagement, management of a multi-disciplinary project team, and development of conceptual alternatives using Adobe Illustrator and Microstation V8i. Construction was completed as of 2019.

Lead planner for Buckner Terrace’s long range neighborhood land use & transportation plan. Led monthly community meetings to determine neighborhood priorities, transportation and urban design goals.

Site plan review with a focus on improving urban design & multi-modal access for private sector development projects using the Dallas Complete Streets Design Manual, National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) design guides and local long range neighborhood plans as policy/design references.

Initiated discussions with Zipcar car sharing service to bring car sharing to Dallas’ central neighborhoods. Developed several car share suitability maps in ArcGIS for city staff and Zipcar executives. Zipcar is now available in several Dallas neighborhoods.

Assisted with policy and street design recommendations for the Dallas Complete Streets Manual using AASHTO, NACTO guidelines and other best practices.

Researched and presented Vision Zero case studies and crash statistics with the goal of improving traffic safety policies in Dallas. Included analysis of crashes throughout Dallas and traffic safety recommendations.

Assisted Bike Planner with bike route feasibility analysis and facility concepts, including traditional bike lanes and cycle tracks.

Capital project analysis for agency’s 2017 Bond Program. Assisted ranking transportation infrastructure projects according to safety benefits, costs, and community needs.

Received NCTCOG's "Celebrating Leadership in Development Excellence" (CLIDE) award for Public Planning and Policy for contributions to Dallas' Complete Streets Manual.

Baltimore City Department of Transportation

City Planner II (2007-2013) - Baltimore, MD

Transportation planner for concept-level capital projects, including streetscapes, access-management improvements, roundabouts, traffic calming designs and complete street projects.

Managed teams of consultants under on-call contracts for major long-range transportation planning efforts. Responsibilities included setting budgets, project scopes, leading project meetings and overseeing the content of plans to ensure they met senior management's desired outcomes.

Lead author for two successful FTA grant applications, including $1.6 million under the Bus Livability Program grant program for Cherry Hill Light Rail Station accessibility improvements and $400,000 for Eastern Ave. Complete Streets and bus stop upgrades.

Led conceptual planning process for the West Baltimore US 40 Pedestrian/Bicycle Loop , a 1 mile off-road recreation trail which also provided pedestrian/bike access to a major commuter rail station. Project received supplemental funding in 2016 with construction completed in 2017.

Led planning process and was lead author for the Southeast Baltimore Complete Streets Plan. The plan was Baltimore's first Complete Streets policy document. Responsibilities included leading monthly committee meetings, drafting policy text and managing an interdisciplinary team.

Managed city-wide traffic calming effort with a budget of $2 million with goal of reducing injuries & fatalities on high risk streets. Managed interdisciplinary team to identify crash hot spots, draft concepts and hold community meetings.

Assisted Marketing Coordinator in implementing first comprehensive social media outreach strategy for a Baltimore City agency.

Managed agency capital budget process for FY2013 & FY2014 and was nominated agency representative for Mayor’s Outcome Based Budgeting process in 2011.

Managed agency-wide facilities master plan, a comprehensive strategy to reduce operating costs and improve efficiency of BCDOT buildings.

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Miami, FL
